A Hometown Reading Challenge

Callista at SMS Book Reviews has put together another great idea for a reading challenge. She’s calling it her “Hometown Challenge,” and only requires that you read 1 book between November 1st and March 1st. The book can be written by an author from your hometown (defined as either where you grew up or where you are living now), or the story can take place in your hometown. What a great idea!

I grew up in Salt Lake City, but have adopted Seattle as my hometown. The two cities really do represent two different parts of my Self…I’m the girl with mountains and desert landscapes in my soul, but I’m the woman who craves the rain and the green beauty of the Pacific Northwest. So I went through my bookshelves and found 2 books that I’ve been wanting to read for some time now. One is by an author Washington State is proud of and who, I believe, is currently living in Seattle. The other is by a Salt Lake City author. Perfect! Then I made these two little challenge buttons (based on the button I saw on SuziQoregon’s blog), and I’m ready to start!

For my Seattle “Hometown Challenge,” I’m going to read Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.

For my Salt Lake City “Hometown Challenge,” I’m going to read Shannon Hale’s The Goose Girl.

It’s nice to have an extra reason to pull these two books off my TBR shelf and read them. Thanks, Callista!

5 thoughts on “A Hometown Reading Challenge

  1. Chelsea

    I haven’t read that particular Sherman Alexie, but I did read Reservation Blues, and found his style to be remarkably well rounded. Let me know what you think of your selection!


  2. Maggie

    Hard for us nowhere people, but there is actually an author from Como, Mississippi. He wrote a couple of books in the 20s and 30s, Stark Young. What are the odd?!? 😀


  3. david mcmahon

    G’day from Australia,

    What a great challenge. I was born in India and while I have just finished my second novel, to be published by Penguin, I am also a voracious reader as well ….

    Great to “meet” you.


  4. Robin

    Hi Chelsea, This is actually my first Sherman Alexie. I can’t believe I haven’t read one of his before now!

    Hi Nymeth, I’ve been wanting to read The Goose Girl since the Once Upon a Time challenge, so I’m really looking forward to it.

    Hi Maggie, I googled Stark Young and found some interesting information on him. Actually, his book “So Red the Rose” sounded very interesting! Have you read it?

    Hi David! Thanks for visiting my blog. It’s nice to “meet” you, too. I have a new little 2nd grade student from Australia. He’s very homesick right now!



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