Here’s a fun and challenging meme that is making the rounds:

Choose your favorite author for each letter of the alphabet and a favorite accompanying book.

I saw it first on Cath’s blog, Read_Warbler, and she borrowed it from Simon, at Stuck In A Book. It was really hard to narrow down to just one author per letter, in some cases, and very challenging to find a book I’ve read and liked for every single letter. I’m enjoying going from blog to blog looking at everyone’s lists!

Austen, Jane: Pride and Prejudice
Babbitt, Natalie: The Eyes of the Amaryllis
Cather, Willa: Death Comes For the Archbishop
Dinesen, Isak: Out of Africa
Eliot, George: The Mill on the Floss
Flack, Marjorie: The Story About Ping
Guevara, Ernesto “Che”: The Motorcycle Diaries
Hillerman, Tony: A Thief of Time
Ihimaera, Witi: Whale Rider
Jacques, Brian: Redwall
Kingsolver, Barbara: Prodigal Summer
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow: Gift From the Sea
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia: Love in the Time of Cholera
Nin, Anais: Diaries
Ondaatje, Michael: The English Patient
Pilcher, Rosamunde: The Shell Seekers
Quindlen, Anna: How Reading Changed My Life
Rolvaag, O.E.: Giants in the Earth
Sarton, May: Journal of a Solitude
Tolkien, J.R.R.: The Lord of the Rings
Ulmann, Liv: Changing
Van Der Post, Laurens: Journey to the Interior
White, T. H.: The Once and Future King
Xinran: Sky Burial
Yolen, Jane: Briar Rose
Zolotow, Charlotte: William’s Doll

OOPS! Simon just sent me a comment noting that I didn’t include a “Y” in my list!! Oh dear… and I’m the second grade teacher! I flunk!..I can’t even type the alphabet correctly! But anyone who has read some of my most recent posts will already know that my favorite author with a name that starts with a “Y” is Jane Yolen! So, I’ve added her to my list.
“Thanks, Simon!” I say sheepishly.

6 thoughts on “My ABCs

  1. Nymeth

    I think yours is the first list I see that fills up the whole alphabet!

    Seeing what everyone comes up with really has been lots of fun 🙂


  2. StuckInABook

    I thought you were the first one I’d seen to do the whole alphabet – until I spotted that there was no ‘Y’!
    Nice to see Austen – she hasn’t had as many mentions as I’d have expected.


  3. Robin

    OOPS! That’s was such an oversight on my part, Simon! Thanks for bringing it to my attention! I have recently “discovered” Jane Yolen’s YA fiction, and I can’t believe I left her off my list. Can’t type, can’t recite my alphabet. And I’m the teacher…oh dear.


  4. Melissa

    I’m impressed, too, that you filled up the entire alphabet. (I have to confess that Jane Yolen was my Y too. I really ought to read Briar Rose…)


  5. Robin

    Thanks, Melissa…it’s a lot of years spent reading! You definitely should read Briar Rose. It’s beautifully written.



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