Re-Run: Boxing Up My Class Library

Five years ago, I wrote a post called “Boxing Up the Class Library” about finishing a school year and boxing up all my books and materials because of a big change in my teaching situation.  This week has been a re-run of that time, busy with the end-of-the-year activities AND boxing all my books and materials so that I can move to a different classroom (although not to a new grade level this time).

It’s a huge job to pack a library, but yesterday I had some wonderful help.  A Dad who volunteers frequently in our school, came in and asked if I needed help. I looked longingly at my class library, and he got to work immediately. Except…he didn’t just throw the books in boxes (as I would have done), he ORGANIZED them into boxes by size and genre. As the kids and I went through our last full day of school, I watched him work and thanked my lucky stars for this sweet, organized man!  In the Fall, when it comes time to unbox these books and set up the class library in my new classroom, it will be a DREAM LIBRARY, organized beyond anything I’ve ever been able to manage myself!

One more interesting piece to this story…my volunteer was Roger Goodman, our Representative to the State Legislature. This is a man who cares deeply about children, schools, education! He’s an active Dad in our school, and shows how much he cares about all of us by his consistent volunteerism and support. He gets my vote…and a big hug for doing such a huge job in my classroom yesterday!

9 thoughts on “Re-Run: Boxing Up My Class Library

  1. Kristen M.

    That is an awesome story for so many reasons! And Roger Goodman has always had my vote but now he’s really earned it. 🙂 We have a few really involved dads at our school and I really think it helps the students to see those sorts of male role models around — especially when we currently have an all female teaching staff!


  2. Robin Post author

    Kristen, it’s been so nice to have the dads in the school this year. It’s been a wonderful program and such a help. I agree that they are really important role models in elementary education. And Roger Goodman really won my heart. I’d been so stressed about having enough time to get everything boxed up in my room, and there he was completely taking care of the class library (it would have taken me hours and hours to do that job). It took a lot of the anxiety out of this move for me.



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