Currently Reading: Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

The book chosen from my booklist for The Classics Club Spin #18, was Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, by Kate Douglas Wiggin. Not knowing anything about it (except a vague memory of Shirley Temple as Rebecca?), I was a little nervous about starting it, but that didn’t last for long! I’ve read two chapters and am captured by it. Actually, Rebecca seems to capture everyone who comes in contact with her, including me! How could I have missed reading this classic as I was growing up?

8 thoughts on “Currently Reading: Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

  1. Kay

    My mother loved Shirley Temple and even had a little book about her saved from her girlhood. Wonder what happened to that book? I don’t have it, but I read it as a kid. Does that movie have the Good Ship Lollipop song?

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    1. Robin Post author

      Kay, I’m not sure I ever saw the movie of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. I don’t remember much about it except knowing that Shirley Temple starred in it. As for the the Good Ship Lollipop song, that one was from a different movie, Bright Eyes, which I do remember seeing at some point in my life! I loved watching those old movies!


  2. Kristen M.

    This is definitely one of those ones that I’ve always known about but never picked up for some reason. I’m glad to hear that it’s engaging!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robin Post author

      Les, I’ve got to see the Shirley Temple movie now. I don’t remember seeing it when I was little, but I loved Shirley Temple so I surely must have seen it!



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