Preparing for Book Club Discussions

The two photos above show how my Mom prepared for book club discussions. I brought these two books home with me after she passed away three weeks ago, and I will never move the colored tabs she put there because they are such a delight to see! This is the way she always prepared for her book club, whether the one she lead at the Mt. Olympus Senior Center for 14 years, or for the local library book club that came once a month to her assisted living facility. She loved to read and talk about books, and she prepared well for the group discussions often reading the book twice, always marking the important points she wanted to remember.

10 thoughts on “Preparing for Book Club Discussions

  1. Adam @ Roof Beam Reader

    I am so sorry for your loss, but thank you for sharing your mother with all of us. It must have been such a treasure to have a special reading connection with her, in addition to the familial one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robin Post author

      Thank you for your kind thoughts, Adam. Our reading connection really was a treasure, and those memories are precious and bring much solace. I am so lucky to have had her for so long!


    1. Robin Post author

      Kay, she loved the reading and the process of preparing for discussions, that’s for sure! I did attend one of her book group discussions many years ago, and it was a lot of fun. I don’t remember which book we discussed, but it was a lively discussion!


  2. Les in OR

    I would have loved to have been in your mom’s book club! She read just the way I do, with post-it flags ready to mark important details or favorite passages. I rarely remove them after finishing a review or attending a book club meeting. It’s fun to go back later, while reading a book for the second time, and see what I marked all those years ago.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robin Post author

      You were definitely kindred spirits, Les! I wish I could have gone to more of her book club sessions. The one I went to was so much fun.



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