13 thoughts on “Love of Books

  1. Marlo+Quick

    This is true for me although I use my Kindle almost exclusively for reading. When we downsized, I made the decision to downsize my books and each time I met with friends, I chose books that I thought they would love to give them. It was a good feeling to find new homes for old friends. I still have many books and love admiring them, touching them, and having their company.

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  2. Nan

    I can remember certain books from my childhood. Anne of Green Gables had no dust jacket and was green, and I know where I was in the library reading it. I have just finished watching Ken Burns’ Baseball on PBS, and was reminded that I read books on Satchel Paige and Roy Campanella in school and I know where my seat was in the room!

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  3. kaysreadinglife

    Yes, yes, yes! Agree about the Kindle, but I’ve been reading many more print books after moving to this much smaller town. The library here is my ‘best bud’! LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robin Post author

      Kay, how nice to have a library as your ‘best bud!’ I feel the same way about our sweet little library here in Forest Grove, and it’s within walking distance.


  4. Diane

    I have loved books since a child and yes to everything in that quote! I do read on Kindle and listen to a lot of audios these days as my eyes tire more easily but, I still love reading and holding the real book when I can.

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    1. Robin Post author

      Diane, same here. My eyes don’t get as tired when reading on my Kindle so I’m grateful for ebooks and audiobooks. But, like you, I still cherish the books on my shelf!


  5. Lesley

    I am still not on board with ebooks, but I do listen to a fair amount of audiobooks. I have even bought some of my favorite audiobooks in print just to have them on my shelves (maybe for a reread). Wonderful quote, Robin!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robin Post author

      Les, the ebook phenomenon is a gift for older eyes! I really struggle with smaller print, so being able to adjust the font size is wonderful. But I truly love audiobooks. It must be the love of being read to as a child that has me totally hooked on them.



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