Walking Shadows

Happiness is going for long walks with the Grandboy and taking a good look at the world through his eyes. Everything is of interest! …Bird sounds, other people walking by, cats sitting on front porches, leaves on the ground, cars zooming by, kids yelling and playing in their yards, and shadows!

It was too cold and breezy in Portland today to go for our usual Grands and the Grandboy stroller walk, so this photo from our walk three weeks ago will have to do.

What a delightful first Thanksgiving with the Grandboy!

3 thoughts on “Walking Shadows

  1. Anonymous

    It was a very nice Thanksgiving in SLC. Twenty adults sat around one large oval table. Curt read from Poet Laureate, Billy Collins, book of poems. No little ones in this crowd but in other places three precious new ones will celebrate first birthdays, first Thanksgiving and first Christmas. We can’t be with them but they surely brought added pleasure to this day.


  2. Cath

    How old is your grandson? Ours is 13 months and taking him for walks it’s fascinating to see him looking around at everything he sees. He especially loves cars and *big* things like buses and trucks. And we always stop at the river which flows through our town to look at the ducks and swans. He’s been toddling now for a couple of weeks and is very proud of himself! They’re such a joy at this age.


  3. Robin

    Hi Mom,
    I haven’t read Billy Collins’ book of poems. I’ll have to track it down. What a nice thing to do when gathered together for Thanksgiving!
    I’m sure it was a fun and magical Thanksgiving for all the new little ones in the family. We had a great time with the family in Portland.

    Hi Cath. Our Grandboy is almost 11 months old. They are so much fun right now, aren’t they! It IS such a joy!



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