
Aidan Turner as Ross Poldark

Oh yes! Poldark weekend has arrived! I’d never read any of the Poldark saga books, by Winston Graham, although they’ve been on my TBR list for a long time (along with many other books about or that take place in Cornwall!). But I decided to read the first one in the series, Ross Poldark, A Novel of Cornwall 1783-1787, before the new Masterpiece Theater version begins this weekend. I enjoyed the book, fell a little in love with the character of Ross Poldark, and am looking forward to watching the show and that gorgeous Aidan Turner on Sunday evening!

4 thoughts on “Poldark

  1. nebula61

    I really envy you the experience of reading the series for the first time! I’ve re-read them many times over the years. I’m waiting with bated breath for the new Poldark, but I’m afraid Robin Ellis will forever be Poldark for me! Turner just seems too young.


  2. Sab

    Interesting that Nebula thinks Turner too young when he’s actually older than Ross was at the beginning of the books. Ross comes back from America at the beginning of book 1 at about 23/24 and is about 28 by the end of book 2. Turner is 32 (just), but passes for late twenties easily, and Ross in this adaptation is supposed to be about 26 – 28/9 (timeframe is shortened a bit at the beginning), so overall he’s much more age appropriate than Robin Ellis was. Generally, this new adaptation follows the books more closely, so the casting of Turner is part of that.


  3. Robin Post author

    Nebula61 and Sab, what an interesting discussion about the two versions of Poldark! I’m going to have to watch the new, and then the old and older versions to see what I think about the actors. That’s a lot of enjoyable Poldark viewing to look forward to!

    Pat, me too!



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