Little Women


img_2517Thanks to Adam @roofbeamreader, I reread Little Women in January for his Classic Book-a-Month challenge 2017. I loved this book when I first read it as a young girl. I am the only girl in my family, with three terrific brothers, but I longed to have sisters. The four March sisters became my surrogate sisters.

A few years ago, I read Louisa May Alcott‘s first book, Flower Fables. I liked it, and loved her writing, but was put off by the heavy moralizing and “teaching of lessons.” I understood that that style of writing was very common in those days and made complete sense in lieu of her background, as well. But she was a young developing author in that first book and by the time she wrote Little Women, she had much more life experience as well as writing experience. Although there was still the “teaching of moral lessons” inbedded in the storytelling, she did not come across as being nearly as didactic as she had in the Flower Fables. Indeed, I was struck this time by her compassion and understanding of human nature. She is a supreme writer and a wonderful storyteller, in my estimation. Her story of the March sisters is timeless despite being set in a specific period of time.

I chuckled and I cried, again, as I read this lovely book. I ruminated on how much it had impacted my life, how much of Jo I identified with and absorbed at a young age, because it was Jo who captured my heart and imagination even though I loved the other sisters, too.

I’m so glad I reread this classic novel this month! (Thank you, Adam!) It would be a lovely project to read all her books — all the ones I didn’t read when I was growing up and rereading all the ones I did!


Madame Alexander’s Little Women dolls…which I always wanted when I was growing up!

9 thoughts on “Little Women

  1. Marlo Quick

    Once again, I connect with your reaction to reading. I, too, grew up with brothers (four!) and adopted the March sisters as my own, especially Jo. She had a spirit of adventure and loyal personality that were so attractive to me. I loved Little Men and Jo’s Boys but they did not have the impact that Little Women did! By the way, I was blessed with a sister when I was 16.

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  2. Kay

    Have you read EIGHT COUSINS or the sequel, ROSE IN BLOOM? I loved both of those when I was young. I also loved AN OLD FASHIONED GIRL, but have heard others say it was too ‘sweet’.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Robin Post author

    Thank you, Marlo. I know I read Little Men when I was younger, but I don’t remember much about it except that I didn’t like it as well as Little Women. I must revisit all of those and read more of her work. I do love her writing!

    Ah ha, Les! No sisters, three brothers, (I’m also the second youngest!) and a reading Mom! We’re finding that we are kindred spirits in more ways than we thought!

    Kay, I read Eight Cousins a few years ago. You can read my post here:
    However, I haven’t read Rose in Bloom yet, although I have the book and intended to read it immediately after I finished Eight Cousins. I need to get back to it!

    Nan, same here. I just braced myself for losing her again! We haven’t watched Gray’s Anatomy so I don’t know about Denny. That might be a fun one to start since we love getting caught in a new (to us) series.


  4. Tara

    I love re-reading books for that reason. For whatever reason, if I have read it before, I cannot put a book down. And every time, there is always something new to be discovered! I recently re-read Shadow Castle, a story I first received when I was around 7 or 8, and its magic still spellbound me, all these years later.

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  5. Robin Post author

    Carol, me too! It was wonderful this time around, wasn’t it!

    Tara, I agree! There is always something new to be discovered! I also love to reread books I read as a child and that meant so much to me. It’s a wonderful connection to my younger self!


  6. Carol WEILER

    I read this book again and love d it. Although it is set in times long ago I found that the mother encouraged her daughters to be strong independent women.



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