Happy Father’s Day, Atticus Finch

This will be the first Father’s Day without Byron, who was a wonderful loving father and grandpa. He is deeply missed. But, his humor and his sense of fun remain with us, so there will be laughter and many smiles as the family remembers and celebrates him.

It will also be the 29th Father’s Day without my own Dad. It’s hard to believe that he’s been gone that long. He’s still so present in my everyday life! His humor, too, remains with us, and his timeless wisdom still guides us each day.

In anticipation of this Father’s Day, I asked myself who is my favorite literary father. Atticus Finch, from Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, immediately popped into my mind. I wrote about him in a post from June 2007, when I finished listening to the audiobook version of the book, narrated by Sissy Spacek (now my all-time favorite audiobook!).

” I was captured by his intelligence and integrity, his compassion and humanity, and his complete and unconditional love for his children. He reminded me of my own father in many ways, and he must have helped set a standard for the husband I would meet and marry years later…”

I wonder…who is your favorite literary father?

3 thoughts on “Happy Father’s Day, Atticus Finch

  1. Jane

    I think Molly Gibson’s father in wives and Daughters is a good candidate. What impressed me was that he was a Victorian father prepared to listen and discuss with his daughter and respect her opinion. Love the Fathers!

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