
I’m a wife, mother, daughter, grandma, retired elementary school teacher, and passionate reader. I live near Portland, Oregon.


Reading to Dan, 1972


Reading to the Grandboy, 2009

You can contact me at:


14 thoughts on “About

  1. Curt

    “Bro-2” again. Don’t know if my email (from a few minutes ago) came you way or disappeared into cyber-space. I was trying to let you know how touching the Jamie recitation was/is! And, as you noted, we get to hear Dad, too. Sweet!
    Your new blog site seems to be working fine. Beautiful flower banner! Keep sending out your thoughts. Love, Curt

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Robin

    Curt, I didn’t get your email, but this comment is lovely. I’m so glad you were able to listen to the little podcast … you can see that I’ve been thinking of Dad a lot recently. That time of year…


  3. Tamara

    Hi Robin, I Love the new look! Well done. I’m also popping over to pass on a new award – I’m passing on the ‘Zombie Chicken Award’, which is a way of saying I like what you blog about. Keep it up.


  4. Robin Post author

    Thanks so much, Tamara! I’ve put together a blog awards page (under the “Potpourri” tab) with a thank you to you for the different awards you’ve given me!


  5. Charles

    Hi Robin:

    I just discovered your blog (a link from another book blog). It’s really well done and interesting. It makes me wish all school children were taught by such a lover of books. I get the strong impression you love kids as well.

    As it happens, my grandson is in second grade. He’s reading at a mid-third grade level! (Please pardon my bragging.)

    I keep a few links to favorite websites and blogs right on my Yahoo start-up page. I’ll be adding yours. But you have to keep up the good work or you’ll be dropped. 🙂

    Are you familar with LibraryThing?



  6. Robin Post author

    Thank you for your kind words, Charles. I’m so glad you found my blog, and I will try really hard to stay on your Yahoo start-up page! I do think my passion for books is one of the real strengths I have in my teaching. It’s catchy! The kids really seem to love the books I love, and it’s a wonderful sharing that happens between us.
    By the way, I’m pleased to hear that your grandson is such a good reader…and I don’t call that “bragging,” I call that “celebrating!”
    Since you’re a Grandpa of a 2nd grader, you might be interested in taking a look at my Class Blog: http://pk2ndgrade.wordpress.com.
    Best regards,


  7. Georgina Robin Slater

    Dear Robin,

    I stumbled upon your site whilst following up a visual link to the Snow Goose (voted a ‘Neglected Classic’ on a BBC book programme here in England)
    It’s such a delightful website and this page, most perfectly headed with the beautful picture of you reading to Dan as a babe in arms. What perfect nurturance…..

    I’m presently a mature student and studying Englsih Literature by distance learning. Strangely it is quite diffficult to allow myself the ‘indulgence’ of reading. As an adult, it always seems there is something somehow more pressing to DO. Reading seems to permit for wonderful timeless company..anytime anywhere..soul food..but still somehow a privilege rather than a necessity. I SO admire your understanding, as a mother and a teacher, that we must indeed nourish ourselves with the voices and creative works of others. What greater thing can we teach and learn?
    Congratulations upon becoming a new Grandma…what great fortune for you both and all…
    With warmest wishes from South West Birmingham(Moseley) in England, and from a fellow, female Robin (not so many in this country :¬)
    G. Robin Slater.


  8. Robin Post author

    Robin, your kind words brightened up this gray Seattle day! I’m so glad you found my blog and shared some of your thoughts with me. I understand what you are saying about the “indulgence” of reading. With so much to do, so many responsibilities, it’s hard to allow ourselves that time. However, I have discovered over the years that if I’m not reading, my life is not in balance. Even if it’s only 10 minutes a day, or before I fall asleep at night, I need to read. There have been many years when life was so busy, I only finished a fraction of the books I am able to read in a year now, but I so enjoyed those books!

    And I have always considered my reading to be my education. I wrote a post about that a few years ago, so if you haven’t read it already, here’s the link:


    I am very fortunate, because I have always been supported in my reading. My husband is a reader, my mother is still a voracious reader at age 90. Understanding my early passion for literature, my father bought me books as I was growing up. I can’t separate reading from who I am. It’s like breathing for me.

    I wish you well in your English Lit program. Enjoy your reading and writing! What a lovely thing to do for yourself! Please stay in touch…we seem to have more in common than just our names!


  9. Paula

    These photos are absolutely LOVELY! And I love the fact that you read to your (grand)children –I’ll definitely do that with mine someday.

    I’ll keep on reading your blog if you don’t mind. You will only be able to take a look at mine (in case you wanted to, of course) if you can speak Spanish –that’s my mother tongue.

    With kind regards,


  10. Robin Post author

    Paula, thank you for visiting my blog. I’m sorry I didn’t see your comment when you first posted it. I’ve been away from my blog for a long time, but am happy to be back, and very happy to find your kind comment.
    Best regards,

    Thank you so much, Sandy, for the blogging award. This is a lovely compliment, and I’m especially pleased that you read my blog and find that it adds a little perspective and some beauty to your day!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. nebula61

    Robin, I saw your entries about Gerald Durrell and W.H. Hudson (Green Mansions is wonderful, by the way, if you haven’t gotten to it yet!) Are you enjoying Masterpiece’s Durells in Corfu? I am, but then I haven’t read Durrell’s memoirs. I will, now, for sure!

    Liked by 2 people


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