R.I.P. II: Not for the Faint of Heart!

Carl V. (Stainless Steel Droppings) is once again hosting a reading challenge. This one is called R.I.P. II, which translates as “Readers-Imbibing-Peril, the Second Year!” I’ve been looking forward all summer to this new challenge because I so enjoyed Carl’s Once Upon a Time Challenge last spring. That challenge broadened my reading horizons, introducing me to new authors and books, as well as to a passionate group of readers!

This challenge runs from September 1st to October 31st, and is set up as a series of “Perils.” You can choose which Peril best fits your goals. I’m going to enjoy imbibing Peril the First, and will include Neil Gaiman’s Fragile Things at the end of my reading. I also like the idea of “Short Story Sunday Peril,” so I’m going to include plenty of short stories in my Peril Pool.


Peril the First:
Read FOUR books of any length, from any subgenre of scary scories that you choose. 

My Peril Pool:

Thanks, Carl, for putting together another fun reading adventure for us!

24 thoughts on “R.I.P. II: Not for the Faint of Heart!

  1. Chris

    What a great list Robin!! Yay for The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy. I loved that book. Yours might be the most unique list I’ve seen so far. I’m really looking forward to your reviews.


  2. Cath

    Thanks for posting about this as this challenge is so up my street. (We won’t talk about me signing up for two challenges within a week.) I shall sign up tomorrow as I need to read it properly and digest, something not possible after looking after the grandson all day! But I’ve already started to pull out a pool of books.


  3. iliana

    I’m so enjoying everyone’s lists! I’m getting ideas 🙂
    I do highly recommend Susan Hill’s book. It’s wonderfully creepy.


  4. Quixotic

    Fab list! I adore The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy, and am something of a shameless Tim Burton fangirl.

    Love that you have de Lint on there too. 🙂


  5. Nymeth

    Great choices! I LOVE The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy. Such a fun read, and quick too! I also really liked A Study in Scarlet. Enjoy your reading!


  6. Robin

    Thanks, Stephanie. I’m already enjoying the Sherlock Holmes I just started, and I picked up the audiobook version of Dracula at the library today so I could listen in the car. This is so much fun.

    Thanks, Chris. My daughter told me about The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy, and is going to loan it to me. I can’t wait for the reviews to start. There’s such a great collection of books being read for this challenge.

    Cath, I’ll look forward to seeing your list when you have some time (and energy!) to make your choices. I’m sure that after looking after your grandson all day, you’d need some recovery time!

    Iliana, isn’t it fun to see all the different, wonderful choices people are making for their “Peril!?” I’ve never read any Susan Hill, but I’ve been really curious for quite some time. Wonderfully creepy sounds fun.

    Thanks, Quixotic, I love Tim Burton’s movies, but didn’t realize he’d done books!! I know I’ll love it. He does the illustrations, too, doesn’t he? This will be my first de Lint, too.

    Thanks, jenclair! I hadn’t heard of Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy, either, until I was talking with my daughter about this Challenge, and she suggested it (knowing that I’m a real fan of his movies). I’m looking forward to reading it.

    Kailana, he does the illustrations, too, so it should be a lot of fun.

    Thanks, Nymeth. I’m enjoying A Study in Scarlet. I already know I’m going to have to read all his stuff at some time in the near future. I’m looking forward to reading Tim Burton…and if you really liked it, I know I will, too!


  7. Petunia

    I’m a big Roald Dawl fan so I’ll be waiting to read what you think of his ghost stories. And A.A.Milne wrote a story that would fit into a scary book challenge? Who knew?


  8. Robin

    Petunia, I love Roald Dahl and I want to see what he does with ‘scary’ stories. And I’m really curious about the A.A. Milne, strange to think of him as a mystery writer, but it sounds like a lot of fun.


  9. danielle

    I loved The Woman in Black–nicely creepy!! Dracula is also a wonderful book–I wouldn’t mind rereading it eventually. It looks like you have a great list to choose from!


  10. Robin

    Chris, I’ve already started on Dracula and it’s amazing. It’s so much more than I thought. I’m glad I chose it for this challenge.

    Danielle, I’ve been so interested in Susan Hill, but have never read anything by her. You know how you start hearing about an author, and then run into her more and more until you finally say, “This is someone I need to read.” I’m looking forward to her Woman in Black!


  11. Robin

    Lazy Cow, Carl really puts together some terrific challenges. He makes them so much fun!
    I don’t know much about Susan Hill, but I’m looking forward to reading some of her books.

    Thanks, Court. I’ve started Dracula and am finding it fascinating, and quite different than I thought. So many people have said it’s one of their favorites, so I really wanted to read it for this challenge.


  12. Bookfool

    I didn’t even think about Our Man in Havana. I think that’s correct Greene book – I just bought one, recently. I’m afraid I’m a terrible airhead. I’ll add it to my pile. I love your pool of books to choose from. I plan to do mine the same way.


  13. Robin

    Hi Bookfool, I’ve never read any Graham Greene, but have heard that he’s a really good writer, so I have high hopes for this one.


  14. Heather

    Oh! The Woman in Black is a wonderfully creepy read! And A Study in Scarlet is probably my favorite Holmes story so far. Great list! I can’t wait to see your reviews!


  15. Robin

    Nan, I’m glad to hear you really liked the book. I love A.A. Milne, but had no idea he wrote a mystery. I’m looking forward to it.


  16. Robin

    Thanks, Naida. I’m enjoying my reading (I’m halfway through Dracula right now!). It’s a fun challenge. I’m sorry I missed your comment! It’s been a hectic, but happy week for me.



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