Reading Challenge Wrap-Up

Maggie’s Southern Reading Challenges have become a delightful part of my summer reading. I’ve finished three, very enjoyable, books for this year’s challenge:

Remembering, by Wendell Berry
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, by John Berendt
The Watermelon King, by Daniel Wallace

I also enjoyed her “Name Your Homeplace” and “Sense of Place” contests. (Maggie, there wasn’t one dead mule in any of the three books I read, so I couldn’t do the Dead Mule contest like I did last year!)

Thanks, Maggie, for hosting such a fun challenge, and I look forward to next year’s southern reading!

11 thoughts on “Reading Challenge Wrap-Up

  1. Nymeth

    No dead mules for me this year either, I’m afraid. Congratulations on finishing the challenge, Robin! I’m already looking forward to next year’s as well.


  2. caitlin

    This looked as if it was a fun challenge; I just didn’t see it in time to get involved. I’m not worried; there are sooo many challenges out there. Congrats on your success.


  3. Robin

    Thanks, Nymeth. I’ve enjoyed discovering some really good Southern authors, so I’ll definitely be doing this Challenge again next year, if Maggie is up for it again.

    Thanks, Caitlin. Maggie makes it a lot of fun with her creative contests.


  4. Bookfool

    I looked and looked but couldn’t find a dead mule. Disappointing. Congrats on finishing! I guess I’ve finished, too, and need to wrap things up. Once the heat hits, I want to read about snow and ice!!!!


  5. Robin

    Thanks, Bookfool. Not many dead mules this year! I know what you mean about wanting to read about snow and ice once the heat hits… For me, after our extra long gray winter-spring, I want to read anything with sunshine in it!


  6. Mary

    Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog. I’ve written down the titles of your Southern Challenge books. I didn’t have a dead mule, either!


  7. Robin

    Thanks, Mary. The dead mule I found last year was in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God. It’s a wonderful book despite the dead mule.


  8. Ladytink_534

    I’ve been meaning to read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil ever since I visited Savannah but I never seem to get around to it.


  9. Nan

    I really enjoyed my books, too, Robin. Each one was different and fascinating. I look forward to next summer's challenge as well. Is there a northern reading challenge? Maybe the Canadian challenge qualifies. :<)


  10. Robin

    LadyTink, I’d love to visit Savannah now that I’ve read the book! It’s quite a story — I was interested in it for a long, long time before I finally decided it was time.

    Nan, we definitely need a Northern challenge, even though there’s the Canadian challenge. Think of all those wonderful New England writers we could read! We also need a challenge for all those wonderful west/west coast writers! The possibilities are endless!


  11. ____Maggie

    Yippee, Yippee, YAY!!!

    I’m so sorry you did not find a mule! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Maybe next year…

    I hope someone takes on another location challenge. I’ve encountered so many new authors by doing the SRC, I think it benefits me the most! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Please stay in touch (I have more autographed books to give away) and thanks for taking the time to participate! ๐Ÿ˜€



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