2008 Round Up

My Dad taught college statistics, so you might think some of that would have rubbed off on me and I’d keep better track of my 2008 reading so I could tell you all kinds of things about it. But no… all I can really say is that it was a very enjoyable reading year for me! I read more books than I’ve ever read in a year, and that’s due to all of you! My TBR list is ridiculously tall (books to the ceiling and all…), but I’m also reading more of them than ever before. And I love all the reading sidetrips and the challenges. Thanks to each of you for your wonderful reviews, and for sharing your passion for books and reading, and for inspiring me to read more and more and more..!

So here are a few stats that I did round up for this end-of-the-year post:

  • 103 books read in 2008 (new record for me)
  • 9 completed Reading Challenges and 3 still ongoing!
  • Favorite read alouds to second graders this year: The Wizard of Oz and Charlotte’s Web
  • Favorite audiobook of the year: Summerland, by Michael Chabon

Five favorite reads of this year (in no particular order):

  1. Something Rich and Strange, by Patricia McKillip
  2. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, by Mary Ann Shaffer
  3. Briar Rose, by Jane Yolen
  4. Far Away and Long Ago, by W. H. Hudson
  5. Esperanza Rising, by Pam Muñoz Ryan

My favorite Book of the Year: Far Away and Long Ago, by W. H. Hudson

Wishing each of you a very Happy New Year, and may 2009 be healthy and happy and full of books for you!

15 thoughts on “2008 Round Up

  1. Sarah

    Happy New Year!

    I’ve only read the Guernsey book of your top 5, I will have to look out for the others. I’d agree that was a wonderful read.


  2. Robin

    Happy New Year to you, too, Nymeth! I loved Briar Rose…actually, all things Jane Yolen!

    Thanks, Iliana. The same wish for you! Lots of good books ahead in 2009!

    Happy New Year to you, too, Lezlie! Happy reading in 2009!

    Happy New Year, Sarah! I hope there are more lovely books like Guernsey in the coming year!

    J.Danger, I’ve actually kept a list of all the books I’ve read (and authors’ names) since 1964. Yikes! But that’s it…just a list. It’s pretty interesting, though, to look back through it and see what I was reading at different points in my life.


  3. Kay

    Happy New Year to you, Robin! I did not set a record this year, but came close to my record. I read 113 books. Wish I had kept a list since 1964. Mine is only since 1993. Ha!


  4. Chris

    Happy New Year to you too Robin! I hope it’s a wonderful one for you. I have The Guersney Literary and Potato Peel Society on my TBR pile for 2009 Can’t wait for it! And congrats on all of those books!!


  5. Tara

    What a lot of books you finished!

    I remember your post about Briar Rose – I added it to my list then and am grateful for the reminder.


  6. Robin

    Thanks, Kay! Wow! 113 books is an impressive accomplishment…especially because of what a year you’ve had. Wishing you health and happiness in this new year!

    Thanks, Gentle Reader. I hope 2009 is a great year for you, too.

    Thanks, Chris. I hope you enjoy the Guernsey book. Best wishes for a happy reading year to you!

    Happy New Year to you, too, Kailana, Tara and Cath!!


  7. Les

    You had a great year of reading! I didn’t even come close to 100, let alone 103. Looks like Guernsey is on a lot of readers’ lists this year. I know it’ll be on mine — once I get crackin’ and write my own “round up.” Here’s to another year of fabulous reads!


  8. Robin

    Les, it’s definitely the influence of the book blogging friends! I keep finding more and more I want to read by reading all the wonderful reviews. The TBR list is completely out of control.



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