Special Mom

Mom and me, 1949.

Mom and me, 1949.

I’ve talked a lot about my Mom on this blog. She’s a pretty amazing almost-90 year old, an avid reader, and a very special person.  We share a love for books, and can always make each other laugh at the end of a difficult day (we don’t live in the same city, but talk often on the phone).  I know I’m one very lucky person to have the mom I have. Love you, Mom!

And a very happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers and mothers-to-be out there!

12 thoughts on “Special Mom

  1. Chris

    Such a sweet picture 🙂 You truly do have a WONDERFUL mom 🙂 I always enjoy hearing about what she’s up to. And happy Mother’s Day to you too Robin!!! You’re a gem 🙂


  2. Kim

    I love that picture–so very sweet. My great grandmother is 91 and so sharp mentally that it astounds me–I know it is because of her love for reading and word puzzles–they have kept her mind sharp. I so enjoy bringing her books to read as she can’t get out much and would never spend money on books for herself.
    How very wonderful that you and your mama are still so close!


  3. Robin Post author

    Thanks, Chris. She’s a pretty special lady.

    Thanks, Bybee. It’s fun to dig out these old photos. In this photo, my mom is exactly the same age as my daughter is right now. I’m amazed at how much alike they look!

    Thanks, Kim. It sounds like your great grandma and my mom have a lot in common. I think you’re right — that the key is keeping the mind sharp, and loving to read is a wonderful way to do that.


  4. Nymeth

    Awww, what a sweet picture. I hope both you and your mother had a lovely mother’s day 🙂

    PS: You’re reading A Five and Private Place!! I can’t wait to see your review 🙂


  5. Lois

    What a lovely honor and surprise there on your blog and such kind responses from your book friends. Thanks so much. I love that picture because you could always tell how proud I was of that beautiful little baby daughter. How fortunate to have you in my life.
    The tribute you paid to your dad last week brought tears. I didn’t get myself together very well. My response didn’t go through. I made a mistake. Getting things right in this fast computer age is still a challenge.
    I shall surely ask some friends in to share your blog.
    Special greetings to you for the lovely mother you are.
    the proud mom


  6. bro #2

    I know that mom and I remember that baby! With this photo you’ve stimulated my earliest memories: a toddler sister who, among other things, got into looks of books! Happy (belated) Mother’s Day to you, too.


  7. Robin Post author

    Thanks, Nymeth. It was a lovely day.

    Thanks, Mom. Love you.

    Thanks, Jessica. It was fun to find it again. It’s a real treasure.

    Thanks, Les. It’s really fun to see how much my daughter looks like her — she’s the same age as my daughter in this photo.

    Thanks, Kailana.

    Thanks, Bro! Those old photos really trigger lots of treasured memories!



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