Safe Places

Photo by André Kertesz

Photo by André Kertesz

“…for anyone who has ever believed that a favorite book could be a safe place to go when things get hard.” — Neil Gaiman

Reading has always been my safe place, my solace, my sanity. After a very difficult week at work, I am so glad to have the weekend, my sweet husband, and my books. Retreating to the solace of a good book will help restore my equilibrium.

16 thoughts on “Safe Places

  1. Robin Post author

    Thanks, Jessica. It was a beautiful day here today.

    Thanks, Molly. After this crazy week, today was quiet and lovely.

    Thanks, Maree. The word “restorative” is perfect. And so far that’s exactly what it has been.

    Thanks, Kailana. You, too.


  2. Kristen M.

    I hope you got to do some of your reading outside today. I did (along with some much needed yard work) and it was so wonderful! Days like today are why we put up with the other miserable days in Seattle. 😉


  3. Les in NE

    Great photo!
    I’m sorry you had a stressful week. I hope the weekend is treating you well and that you are getting to read as much as you like. I’m catching up on some household chores and plan to get out in the yard later today when it warms up. Until then, I’m off to read for an hour or so. Here’s to a better week!


  4. Kim

    I hope your next week goes better. After the fabulous day we have had here in the Seattle-ish area, I know I feel a bit restored. I forget how blue our skies can be!


  5. Petunia

    There has been a lot of stress going on in my life lately, in part due to being out of work. Reading has been my retreat. And it’s free so it’s that much better.


  6. Shanra

    *very slow/late* I’m sorry to hear you’ve been having a tough week, Robin. I hope this one is treating you much better.


  7. Molly

    Well, you have been doubly awarded, because I have just given you the “friendly blogger” award today.

    Hope you have a great Saturday.


  8. Robin Post author

    Thanks, Kristen M. This beautiful Seattle weather has really lifted my spirits!

    Thanks, Bybee. I agree–“books are the best medicine!”

    Thanks, Les. It’s been a stressful few weeks, but I’m feeling better and trying to keep things in perspective. That’s the most important thing. Losing perspective adds to the stress!

    Thanks for your smiles, Kim! Yes, this beautiful weather has done much to lift my spirits. It’s so gorgeous on these sunny days!

    Petunia, I’m so sorry to hear you are out of work. That adds soooo much stress to your already busy life. I will keep you in my thoughts.

    Thanks, Shanra. This has been a much better week, although still hectic and stressful. Just a different kind of stress, which makes a big difference, too.

    Thanks, Diane.

    Wow! Thanks so much Karen and Molly, for the awards. That does a lot to lift a person’s spirit, too!



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