Slow Motion Blogging

My blogging has been in slow motion recently.  Since I’ve been blogging for three years now, I realize that these slow motion times are natural and important — Time to regroup, recoup, refocus.  And over the years, I’ve realized the same thing about my reading.  There are times when I read intensely, driven to complete some books I’m immersed in, such as the summer I reread all of Tony Hillerman’s books.  And there are times when I hardly read at all, although I’ve always considered my non-reading times to be a symptom of some inner or outer problem!

Right now, my slow down is mostly caused by the fact that I am training a student teacher, which takes a lot of extra time and energy both before and after school, so that I am extra tired when I get home at the end of the day.  It’s a good reason, however, because she is going to be such a good teacher, and it’s important to me personally to “give back” to the profession I love.

But I’m anxious to “get back to my reading,” and there is a pile of library books patiently waiting for me…they’ve already been renewed once or twice since I checked them out.  I know I can’t hurry these slow motion times, but… I’m ready to shift gears and pick up the speed again!

11 thoughts on “Slow Motion Blogging

  1. Kim

    What an appropriate way to label this period of time. Like you have slow motion times too–especially with blogging. I have more time to blog on the weekends, usually, but there are some weekends that are just too busy. And every since my bout of pneumonia this winter, I am so tired in the evenings after being at work all day that I a can sometimes hardly string a coherent sentence together.
    Bravo to you for training a new teacher–good training is so important!


  2. Kay

    Robin, I love this post. Yes, I think that there are cycles to everything. Sometimes we have more time to read, blog, whatnot and sometimes life intervenes. Take care and I know your student teacher will be so much the better for your mentoring.


  3. Kailana

    I am having the same problem. I used to write messages apologizing constantly, but I have been blogging for a while now and just consider it natural. I get over it eventually!


  4. Nan

    Kay sent me over knowing I’d enjoy your words, and I did, Robin. Beautifully expressed. I came to this ‘duh’ revelation today that my reading is slow and unfulfilling when I try to have two books going at a time. I’m not a multi-tasker at all so why would I think I could be a multi-reader. :<) I'm amazed at all bloggers who have outside jobs and/ or little kids and still have time to write and comment and run or join challenges. Whew!


  5. Sam Sattler

    I totally agree with the variations in a life’s cycles that can cause the kind of ebb and flow you describe about your reading and blogging. The important thing, I think, is to recognize those down periods for what they are (realizing that something positive is likely coming from them) so that stress does not enter the picture. Become obsessed about the number of pages read, the number of books read, the number of reviews written, etc. is destructive. Sounds to me that you have reached a state of equilibrium that allows you to profit from life’s cycles…enjoy them for what they are.


  6. Les in NE

    I, too, loved this post. I’ve gone through this cycle with my blog and reading many times over the years and I’ve learned to not fight it. Everything changes and I know I’ll have more time in the future for all those things I love to do. Relax, enjoy your time with your student teacher and we’ll be here when you get back.


  7. Bookfool, aka Nancy

    Yep, I think we all go through phases. Like Kailana, I used to find myself apologizing every time I couldn’t keep up with posting or reading other posts. I’ve quit doing that. I’m just trying to go with the flow, now. Have fun with your student teacher!



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