A Long Blogging Break

Photograph taken a Red Butte Garden in Salt Lake City.

Photograph taken a Red Butte Garden in Salt Lake City.

Wow! That was a long blogging break! I didn’t plan to leave my blog for months…it just happened. Summer was full of wonderful reading, travels, family, Grandboy time, knitting! I loved ‘living in the moment’ this summer, unattached to schedules and long-term goals, actually feeling like a retired person! The time I did spend online was much more simple and quick than it is when I sit down a write a blog post. I posted photos on Instagram, wrote an occasional Tweet, and interacted with my Facebook family and friends. The rest of my time was spent simply enjoying the summer. It was one of the nicest summers in years and years.

That said, I’m sitting down today to break the sound of silence here on my blog and to say goodbye to my Summer of re-reading old favorites and of finding new-to-me authors to love. So here are my summer highlights:

Loved rereading the Harry Potter series!

Enjoyed listening to the rest of Jacqueline Winspear‘s Maisie Dobbs series!

Favorite book of the summer? A Town Like Alice, by Nevil Shute! Does anyone else remember watching the Masterpiece Theatre version of this with Bryan Brown?

Some very pleasant summer reading included books by D.E. StevensonElizabeth Goudge, Rhys Bowen, Susanna Kearsley, and Angela Thirkell.

One book that lingered in my thoughts for a long time this summer: The Housekeeper and the Professor, by Yoko Ogawa.

I hope you had a nice summer, too, and enjoyed your reading, and life, as much as I did!

On one of our summer walks...

On one of our summer walks…

7 thoughts on “A Long Blogging Break

  1. Nan

    SO good to read this! Love the picture. Beautiful countryside. I completely loved the old tv show of A Town Like Alice. I listened to the book on audiotape years ago and found it equally terrific.


  2. Ana @ things mean a lot

    Glad you enjoyed your summer, and glad to see you posting again (even if I totally understanding stepping away from blogging sometimes). I had a nice one reading-wise too, and am currently getting ready to make the most of autumn reading!


  3. Robin Post author

    Thanks, Nan! I’m trying to find a DVD of the Masterpiece Theatre version of A Town Like Alice so I can revisit that experience now that I’ve read the book. I definitely want the Bryan Brown version, although another movie version of it is easier to find. I wish Masterpiece would rerun it!

    Thanks, Ana! I’m glad you had a nice reading summer, too. I don’t have any specific Autumn reading plans, (except to read as much as I can while sitting out on the porch before it gets too cold!) but I need to put together something as enjoyable as my summer reading.

    Thanks, Kristen! I’ve really enjoyed the daily prompt challenges on Instagram, and I love being able to see my blogging friends (and others) in their photography mode!


  4. Anonymous

    I’m so glad to read your blog again. What a lovely report of time well spent. Also good reading suggestions. Thanks, thanks, thanks.


  5. Les in NE

    It sounds like you had a wonderful summer, Robin! I took a bit of a blogging break myself and it was wonderful. I spent my weekends relaxing on the porch or deck, reading for hours on end. It was nice to get away from the computer for a bit!

    I’m sorry to say that I tried to read A Town Like Alice, but after close to 100 pages, finally set it aside. It simply wasn’t keeping my attention. I felt so bad since it’s such a favorite among so many of my friends & relatives. I wonder if I would still enjoy the mini-series. Off to see if I can get it from Netflix.

    Enjoy your fall weather!


  6. Robin Post author

    Thanks, Les! These blogging breaks are important, I think, maybe especially when unplanned! I’m glad you enjoyed your reading time on the porch, too! It’s a beautiful Fall around here, but going by too quickly this year! I wasn’t able to find the Masterpiece Theater version of A Town Like Alice through Netflix or at any of the libraries. I wish they would re-release it!



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