It’s Time for R.I.P. XIV

It’s THAT time of year again! Time for the annual Readers Imbibing Peril book challenge celebrating all things spooky and mysterious! This is the 14th year for this Fall festival of fun reading, and I’m so excited to participate again.

Here’s how it works:

The purpose of the R.I.P. Challenge is to enjoy books that could be classified as:

  • Mystery.
  • Suspense.
  • Thriller.
  • Dark Fantasy.
  • Gothic.
  • Horror.
  • Supernatural.
The emphasis is never on the word challenge, instead it is about coming together as a community and embracing the autumnal mood, whether the weather is cooperative where you live or not.

The goals are simple.  

1. Have fun reading.
2. Share that fun with others.

There are different ways to participate by choosing which “PERIL” you want.  You can choose PERIL the First;  PERIL the Second;  PERIL the Third;  PERIL of the Short Story;  PERIL on the Screen;  PERIL of the Review.   Click here to see the descriptions of each of these PERILS.


This year, I am choosing both PERIL the First, and PERIL on the Screen. That means I will be reading a minimum of 4 books and watching some movies. Because I love this genre, I have an endless list of books on my bookshelves that will fit nicely for the PERIL I have chosen. And Byron and I love a good film festival, so for my PERIL on the Screen, we will be watching as many Agatha Christie movies/TV series as we can.

So check back here from time to time in September and October to see what I have added to my list of books read and movies watched!

Have fun everybody!



  1. The Lost One, by Mary Stewart
  2. The Little Sister, by Raymond Chandler
  3. Christmas in Absaroka County, by Craig Johnson
  4. Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte
  5. The Religious Body, by Catherine Aird
  6. An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good, by Helene Tursten
  7. The Case of the Famished Parson, by George Bellairs
  8. Rose Cottage, by Mary Stewart
  9. The House on the Strand, by Daphne du Maurier
  10. Trouble in Nuala, by Harriet Steel
  11. Whiteout, by Ken Follett


  1. 4:50 From Paddington, (1987) starring Joan Hickson as Miss Marple. Hubby and I watched it as a welcome to the beginning of my R.I.P.-XIV Peril on the Screen. It was very good and quite true to the book. I love Joan Hickson as Miss Marple!
  2. Murder at the Gallop, (1963) starring Margaret Rutherford as Miss Marple. When I was growing up, my parents took us to see all the old Agatha Christie movies that came to town. I remember Margaret Rutherford from way back when!
  3. The Mirror Crack’d, (1980) starring Angela Lansbury as Miss Marple. I liked Angela Lansbury in this film, and it was fun to see so many Hollywood greats in the cast — Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, Kim Novak, Geraldine Chaplin. However, it was so Hollywood-ish that it put me off a bit. Definitely not my favorite Agatha Christie movie!
  4. Murder Most Foul, (1964) starring Margaret Rutherford as Miss Marple. Another fun mystery with a lot of humor.

…Arthur Rackham

14 thoughts on “It’s Time for R.I.P. XIV

    1. Robin Post author

      Jane, I hadn’t heard of it either. I think it was republished in 2017 and in book form only in a volume along with Wind Off the Small Isles. Both novellas have the same main character, so that’s fun. I hope you enjoy your R.I.P. reading, too!


  1. iliana

    This is my most favorite challenge! I’m going to try and do Peril 1 and Peril on the Screen as well. Can’t wait to hear about all the books and movies you enjoy!


    1. Robin Post author

      It’s my favorite, too! I love mysteries, so it’s no hardship for me to spend two months immersed in the genre. I look forward to reading all the reviews. You and I can compare notes on books and movies!


  2. Kristen M.

    I love all Agatha Christie shows and movies except for the latest Kenneth Branaugh one. He was a TERRIBLE Poirot. I’ll have to fit some in this season too! Have fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robin Post author

      Kristen, I’ve loved most of them, too. Which as the one with Kenneth Branagh? Orient Express? I like him, but he not right for very role he takes on.


      1. Kristen M.

        Yes, the latest Orient Express. He actually physically fought someone! Poirot would never do (or be capable of doing) that. And his mustache was ridiculous, even for Poirot. 😉


  3. pagesandtea

    Good luck with the challenge, it looks like you’re already doing really well.
    I’ve only recently discovered the joys of a good Agatha Christie story, and I really like Poirot. I hope I’ll be able to fit at least one Christie into my challenge.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. jessicabookworm

    Wow Robin, you have already made a great start to your challenge! And great idea to watch Agatha Christie films and TV series – I never thought of that and there’s me who has recently been watching some of ITV’s Poirot series. Doh! 😀



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