Christmas in Absaroka County

Christmas in Absaroka County is a collection of short stories by Craig Johnson. He has added some novellas and short story collections to his Walt Longmire  mystery series, and they are a lot of fun to read.

from the publisher…

I am very fond of the character of Walt Longmire and am enjoying slowly reading through this mystery series. The extra glimpses of Walt that we see in these short “in-between” books give us a deeper understanding of the character and just add a lot of interest and fun to whole experience of this series.


I read this book for the R.I.P.-XIV reading challenge.

4 thoughts on “Christmas in Absaroka County

    1. Robin Post author

      Kay, I read about half of the series and them stopped (for awhile?). This novella made me interested in getting back to it…although I’m also getting back to Louise Penny, and Hazel Holt, Joy Ellis, and…



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