April Reflections, 2021

My reading in April really dropped off, due to some happy busy-ness. Reading time was given over to Spring garden projects, a visit from our daughter for the first time in most of a year, and the call to be outdoors by the return of very pleasant weather.

I was able to finish two books in April. The first one was Hamnet, by Maggie O’Farrell, (which I loved). The second one was The Consequences of Fear, by Jacqueline Winspear, (a fun addition to her Maisie Dobbs series). I also made a little more progress in my long-term project of reading The Emperor of All Maladies: a Biography of Cancer, by Siddhartha Mukherjee, a book that is both painful and fascinating to read.

I must confess that not spending so much time reading during the day was delightful. It is simply wonderful to be outside in the sunshine after the long gray days of rainy winter/early spring in the Pacific Northwest.


15 thoughts on “April Reflections, 2021

  1. Ti

    Those flowers are so lovely! They make me smile.

    I really want to read Hamnet. My club almost picked it but then went with Dear Edward and I have a few review copies I need to get to before Hamnet but I am looking forward to it. I need to finish Rule of Civility today to stick to my schedule. I am only halfway through so I best get on that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robin Post author

      Thanks, Ti. Those bulbs were a special freebie when I ordered some other tulips to plant last Fall. They sat on the shelf in the garage until December or January because I forgot about them, but I planted them late anyway, not knowing what they were…and look what came up! I have been thrilled with them! They’ve been really long-lasting and just brought us smiles every single day. I’m glad they brought you smiles, too! I’m very interested in reading Rules of Civility, since I really like his Gentleman in Moscow. I look forward to hearing what you think of it when you finish.


  2. Les in OR

    To everything there is a season… now is the time to make up for lost time and be with family and friends! Spring is a busy time for gardeners and summer is busy with visitors. My reading hasn’t suffered, but with our upcoming road trip to CA, I’m sure my numbers will drop in June. It’s all about balance, though, right? Your bulbs are so lovely. I love spring flowers!

    I’m so excited to read Hamnet, but will wait until closer to November when my book group discusses it.

    Enjoy your time outdoors. We’ve been having great weather in Nehalem, but the rain arrived today. We don’t mind as it gives us an excuse to stay inside and read (or in Rod’s case, write). Take care, Robin!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robin Post author

      Les, I so agree with you. To everything there is a season! Enjoy your upcoming road trip! Isn’t it wonderful to just be able to say “road trip” again after so long?!


  3. iliana

    How wonderful that you were finally able to be with your daughter again! While we love to read, sometimes reading just has to take a backseat to all of the other things we have on our plate. I love your flowers and hope the spring weather continues to be lovely so you can enjoy the outdoors!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Tommy Collison

    As my dad would say, not having much time to read because of family and being out and about is a good problem to have. I lived in Seattle for two years and think that the PNW in summer is one of America’s best-kept secrets. Enjoy it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robin Post author

      Tommy Collison, I like what your dad would have said! And I totally agree with you about the PNW summers! They are great!


  5. Diane

    The flowers are lovely Robin. Tulips are blooming here as well – the deer love them. I recall loving Interpreter of Maladies – it was a chunkster though. I thought Hamnet was good as well. Have a happy May.

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