A Busy Week

It’s been a busy week even though we are spending most of our time at home these days. We are trying to avoid exposure to Omicron because of Byron’s impaired immune system, and earlier in the week I found myself feeling quite blue about being so housebound. But then I started looking at how we are spending our at-home time and decided that we are actually spending our time very well and I have nothing to complain about! The photos above are of this busy week:

First of all, I read three books this week. Love in an English Garden, by Victoria Connelly, was a gentle read, a light romance with garden at the heart. Then, The 1619 Project: Born on the Water, by Nikole Hannah-Jones and Renee Watson, was a powerful and beautifully written and illustrated story about the first slaves brought to America in 1619. I highly recommend it!  And then, I listened to an audiobook of the first book in a new-to-me mystery series, Murder is Binding (a Booktown Mystery), by Lorna Barrett. It was fun.

We watched Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Macbeth, starring Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand. It was an awesome production, and I thought it was very much like a film by Ingmar Bergman. That’s a high compliment!

I have been working each morning on my Spanish, using the app/program, Duolingo. I’m really enjoying the challenge, and am hoping to regain some of the Spanish I have lost over the years by not speaking it often enough.

And one last activity…Byron and I trapped and relocated a pesky squirrel that moved into our attic recently. This seems to happen almost every winter so we’ve become quite skilled at using our trap and taking these squirrels to a decent relocation spot.

Overall, a pretty interesting week. Feeling blue can definitely be part of this ongoing pandemic, but I am trying to make positive choices about how to spend my time  and emotional energy.


10 thoughts on “A Busy Week

  1. Diane

    It sounds like you had a productive week. Pesky squirrels — a few years we could hear a mouse scratching inside our bedroom walls so we had some spots plugged outside and so far so good. The cold weather here and virus keep us mostly indoors as well. It’s good for reading and recipe experimentation I find. Have a good week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robin Post author

      Diane, we had plugged up as many possible entries as we could find and get to…but our house is 112 years old, with numerous eves, and those squirrels know every nook and cranny! 🤦‍♀️
      I love your idea of recipe experimentation! I need to add that into the week’s mix!


  2. kaysreadinglife

    Ah, those squirrels – we had a couple in our new backyard that chewed up one of my porch cushions and used the fluff inside to line their nests or whatever. Our neighbor told us that they had trapped some in past years and taken them to other locations. Not sure that it would matter that much though. There are many, many squirrels around. Glad you got yours out of your attic at least. And I love your choice list above. So very true. At this point, our outlook and moods can be very negative or more positive – our choice. Take care, Robin. Enjoy your positive choices! LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robin Post author

      Kay, it is so true that when we relocate the squirrels here there are many that move into the territory pretty quickly. However, it takes them awhile to find our attic, so it does give us some relief. However…it’s a losing battle! Who can outsmart a squirrel??🤦‍♀️


  3. Nan

    I love this attitude, this way of thinking. And it really is the only way to live one’s life. I have read more than once that the only prayer we should say, is “thank you”. I follow a local young woman on igram, and she often uses a hashtag that I love – “attitude of gratitude”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robin Post author

      Thank you, Nan. I love the ideas of having an “attitude of gratitude” and “thank you” as being prayer. Beautiful, powerful thoughts.


  4. Lesley

    You have a wonderful attitude, Robin. We’re sticking close to home, too, but my days fly by. You’ve inspired me to do a “day in the life” post; something I haven’t done for several years. I hear that Duolingo is great program to learn a new language. Good for you! I’ve started playing Wordle and enjoy the mental challenge. Thanks for sharing that last image about choices. I agree!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robin Post author

      Thank you, Les. I’m trying to make those positive attitude choices each day, so I really appreciate the encouragement. I look forward to your “Day in the life” post. Wordle sounds intriguing but I know nothing about it. I’ll have to investigate! I am enjoying my Duolingo time!



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