Beginnings and Endings

Today, January 27th, marks 17 years since I started this blog. In the last 16 months, since the death of my beloved husband, my life has changed, my reading has changed, and my commitment to my blog has changed.

Early in my grief journey, I couldn’t focus enough to read. Now my reading has become solace on a lonely afternoon, or a search for new understandings of the changes happening to me, or simply an activity that I now set aside for long periods of time while I garden, go for walks, or visit with friends. I have started many books that I simply cannot finish for a variety of reasons, and so I stick with gentle reads. My reading seems to mirror the ups and downs I face each day, and as you can see from my blog silence, it is difficult for me to write posts, or review books.

I am finding new interests and projects that require the time I used to devote solely to reading and blogging. I’ve been organizing old photos, writing stories and creating slideshows and videos for my family from those old and some new memories. I am honoring these new pursuits and new parts of myself with focus and attention, and wonder where they will lead me.

I have been struggling for months to decide what to do with my blog during this time. I take beginnings very seriously, and I have a really hard time with endings. There is so much I enjoy about blogging, but I’m uncomfortable with these long silences.

So for now, I think it is best to simply announce that I will not be actively blogging for the time being. I’ll give myself some time to decide whether this will be an extended break, or whether I will retire my blog.

I love the book blogging community and hold precious the friendships made through this sharing of our love of books and reading!  So I will say a gentle goodbye for now. I will still be visiting your blogs and will still be present on social media, so I don’t plan to disappear. Please know that your support for me and this blog over the years, has meant the world to me. For your friendship, love, and support, I thank you, dear readers, from the bottom of my heart.

With deep gratitude,

11 thoughts on “Beginnings and Endings

  1. Anonymous

    I feel sad, but I sure do understand. I would be happiest if you just let it live here until more time has passed. You may come to a place where you really miss the quiet world of blogging. I am not on any social media. I like the peace, the calm, and the slow moving – ness of blogs. Someone might post once or twice a month but I am so glad to see them, as I am to see you now, and read what they have been doing or reading or thinking.


  2. Davida Chazan

    I hear you. May 19th will mark the third anniversary of my husband’s passing. I decided not to put this news on my blog, and tried to keep blogging as best as possible. Reading helped me escape from my grief, and blogging without talking about it kept me from getting too many questions that were too painful for me to answer in such a public forum. But everyone does things differently, and I have a wonderful support group, so that also helps. We’ll be here when (or if) you decide to return to blogging. Take care of yourself.


  3. Anonymous

    Take care and best wishes as you continue to grieve and find solace in the reading that is a balm. I will miss your posts, but of course understand that we all must do what is right for us at any given time.


  4. Jane

    Hello Robin, I’ve been thinking about you and wondering if you were ok. I’ll miss your posts and word for the year but your decision is completely understandable and we’ll be here if you do decide to come back. Wishing you much love with all your future projects. . .


  5. Anonymous

    As another reader shared, this makes me sad, but I do understand. You have found a new creative outlet with your writing and creation of videos, but maybe after some time, you’ll feel the urge to return to blogging. Or maybe share some of those videos here with us. No pressure, but I’ll be here if you do decide to return. Much love to you, Robin.


  6. kaysreadinglife

    I will also say that you will be missed, but I do understand what you are saying, Robin. This is Kay, by the way (just in case it shows anonymous). We’ll be around if you decide to share anything with us. I know we love your pictures and your gardening descriptions. And I also send love to you and wishes for peace and joy in your life through your new pursuits.


  7. looloolooweez

    I’ve just visited your blog today because of Classics Club; I’m simultaneously sorry to see that you’re taking a break from this space, and happy for you that you’ve made the decision to do so.

    I’m sorry because the precipitating reason was death of a loved one and profound grief, and sorry because I’m just generally sad to see a book blog end. But, I’m happy because it sounds like this choice makes sense for your current needs and interests, and I really appreciated your statement about focusing on these new things as a way of honoring new parts of yourself.

    All things must end. I hope if you still receive comment notifications that you will see that a random online stranger has appreciated your work here, and is hoping for all the best for your future.



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